Adding things to the Wiki
Alec Teal
2014-03-13 01:54:38 UTC
Hello all,

This is my first post here and I regret that it is not solely to say
thanks, I love wxWidgets (because it provides a lovely interface,
everything is named intuitively so I rarely have to search or open the
book I purchased, it's cross platform and doesn't get in the way of the
build process (LOVE that last one) and many other things) and I wish
donations were open.

I am writing though with a small complaint, I rarely create custom
events, so I have to reference something when I do, obviously I went
right for the wiki:


BUT it's been updated, to 3.0 stuff. I'd really like it if 3.0 things
could have their own pages, this is after all why Wiki's have
namespaces, a simple template at the top for "this is deprecated" and a
link to the new version would be all that you need. I've just checked,
it is MediaWiki so this is certainly true.

This is something I could help with but I have yet to touch 3.0 stuff,
or even 2.9 really, I only recently moved from 2.6 to 2.8 and I like to
keep wxPython at the same version. I doubt I am alone. I know legacy
support sucks and I am part of a problem I loath just by writing this
but wx2.8 (even 2.6) is far from dead, and I'd be very grateful if the
documentation for each was disjoint.

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Bryan Petty
2014-03-13 03:31:20 UTC
BUT it's been updated, to 3.0 stuff. I'd really like it if 3.0 things could have their own pages
In this case, the page in question did actually move (not delete) the
old 2.8 version:

Every change in MediaWiki is versioned though, so if you hit up the
page logs, you can see this:

Which would have pointed you to the old version, which also still
contains the entire edit history for that page as well:

Anyway, MediaWiki namespaces weren't actually designed for forking off
old versions of pages, and using it like that for this page would have
been just as confusing since moving a page to a new namespace would
have required the exact same steps we did here.
This is something I could help with but I have yet to touch 3.0 stuff, or even 2.9 really, I only recently moved from 2.6 to 2.8 and I like to keep wxPython at the same version. I doubt I am alone. I know legacy support sucks and I am part of a problem I loath just by writing this but wx2.8 (even 2.6) is far from dead, and I'd be very grateful if the documentation for each was disjoint.
This is especially troublesome to maintain for community-authored
documentation on the wiki, but I hope you've noticed that we still at
least keep old versions of the official manual online (going all the
way back to 2.4!):


Bryan Petty
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