wxListTreeCtrl change Font Color for Single Tree Item
Stefano Mtangoo
2014-02-03 08:58:56 UTC
I have searched Docs cannot find a method to do that.
Is there any?
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Eran Ifrah
2014-02-03 10:54:38 UTC
Since wxTreeListCtrl is based on wxDVC, I suspect that you will need to
write your own renderer for this

Post by Stefano Mtangoo
I have searched Docs cannot find a method to do that.
Is there any?
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Eran Ifrah
Author of codelite, a cross platform open source C/C++ IDE:
wxCrafter, a wxWidgets RAD: http://wxcrafter.codelite.org
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Stefano D. Mtangoo
2014-02-03 16:03:59 UTC
Post by Eran Ifrah
Since wxTreeListCtrl is based on wxDVC, I suspect that you will need
to write your own renderer for this
I read in docs that Getting wxDVC itself is bad practice as in future
implementation might change.
That turned me off from thinking of anything wxDVC. Did I correctly
understood docs?
If I did, I then, will have to use icon in wxImageList than changing colors.
Thanks for reply!
Post by Eran Ifrah
On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Stefano Mtangoo
I have searched Docs cannot find a method to do that.
Is there any?
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Eran Ifrah
wxCrafter, a wxWidgets RAD: http://wxcrafter.codelite.org
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Stefano D. Mtangoo
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