Skip the page when wxWizard run
Igor Korot
2014-06-04 03:07:47 UTC
Hi, ALL,
I'm looking for a way to skip a page in a wxWizard.
Let's say I have a 3-page wizard.

On the first page I have a wxCheckBox. When it is not checked, I want
a normal processing, i.e.
However, when the checkbox is checked, I want the proces to be page1->page3.

Is it possible?

Thank you.
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Nathan Ridge
2014-06-04 04:18:38 UTC
Post by Igor Korot
Hi, ALL,
I'm looking for a way to skip a page in a wxWizard.
Let's say I have a 3-page wizard.
On the first page I have a wxCheckBox. When it is not checked, I want
a normal processing, i.e.
However, when the checkbox is checked, I want the proces to be page1->page3.
Is it possible?
Yes - use a wxWizardPage instead of wxWizardPageSimple for page1,
and override its GetNext() method to return page2 or page3 depending
on whether or not the checkbox is checked.

Hope that helps,
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