Help file converter
Igor Korot
2014-01-25 03:52:48 UTC
Hi, ALL,
I'm about to finish my project and will soon request a Help file,
which most likely will be in the doc format.
Is there a converter that will convert MS Word type document into hlp?
Or is it better to use wxHTMLHelpWindow and therefore convert it to html?

Thank you.
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Steve Barnes
2014-01-25 09:05:10 UTC
Post by Igor Korot
Hi, ALL,
I'm about to finish my project and will soon request a Help file,
which most likely will be in the doc format.
Is there a converter that will convert MS Word type document into hlp?
Or is it better to use wxHTMLHelpWindow and therefore convert it to html?
Thank you.
To convert word to html use Word - there is an option to save as web
pages - (very large & messy web pages though) - if you are writing the
help file I would use rst as the language to write it in &/or embed it
in my source code and use doxygen or possibly sphinx to generate the
documents in various formats.

The other tool to be aware of is pandoc - it can convert any of:

/native, json, markdown, markdown_strict,
markdown_phpextra,////markdown_github, markdown_mmd, rst, mediawiki,
docbook, textile,////html, latex///

into any of:

/native, json, docx, odt, epub, epub3, fb2, html, html5, s5, slidy,
slideous, dzslides, docbook, opendocument, latex, beamer, context,
texinfo, man, markdown, markdown_strict,////markdown_phpextra,
markdown_github, markdown_mmd, plain, rst, //mediawiki, textile,
rtf, org, asciidoc

So you can create your documents in say rst, (which is compact and works
well in under version control systems unlike word), and publish or
deliver in any/all of the output formats.

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