How to show the parent panel?
Hiram Zuñiga
2014-09-11 18:54:11 UTC

i'm from Mexico so my English is not very good.

I am trying to put the init panel from a child panel, but when pushing the
button in panel 3 shows the another child panel(image:panel 2) and not the
start panel(image:panel 1), my source code is attached

for a better idea of what I want I attached a picture

<Loading Image...>
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2014-09-11 22:11:09 UTC

I didn't read your source code, but here is the best way to do such a thing

You create an horizontal wxBoxSizer witch will contain your 3 panels.
You create the 3 panels, but you show only the first one (the 2 other have
to be hidden)
You add your 3 panels to the wxBoxSizer

When you need to show another panel, juste show it and hide the one that is
actually shown
Then you call "Layout" on the wxBoxSizer

Hope it corresponds to your needs.

Post by Hiram Zuñiga
i'm from Mexico so my English is not very good.
I am trying to put the init panel from a child panel, but when pushing the
button in panel 3 shows the another child panel(image:panel 2) and not the
start panel(image:panel 1), my source code is attached
for a better idea of what I want I attached a picture
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2014-09-12 03:55:24 UTC
Post by Hiram Zuñiga
i'm from Mexico so my English is not very good.
I am trying to put the init panel from a child panel, but when pushing
the button in panel 3 shows the another child panel(image:panel 2) and
not the start panel(image:panel 1), my source code is attached
I use wxSimplebook in similar circumstances. Not much else needed to do
except use AddPage and SetSelection.

Regards, John
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